Friday, February 22, 2013

Six Months

Happy half birthday little stinker! I was fully intending to throw him a half birthday party until I realized that if I made him half a cake, Josh and I would be the ones who wound up eating it. Maybe I'll put a candle in his squash instead.

Some new experiences this month:

Teething! Ah teething is THE worst! It might even be worse than the newborn weeks! (Ok I probably have amnesia about that) but seriously yuck! Why didn't someone warn me about teething?! Actually I could have used a warning about a lot of things. I think there is a group of women out there whose job it is to silence the truth about children. The first week of Cooper's life I told Josh that I felt like someone promised to take me to Disneyland and then dropped me off at the state fair instead, and I was like wait a minute- everyone promised me Disneyland! So I will be a truth teller- teething will turn your kids into rotten monsters. And I'll let you know if someone comes by to destroy my computer later. Their group is probably headed by Liam Neeson and they're probably called the league of truth destruction or something like that.

Cooper gives kisses! Sort of... They're a little less actual human kisses and more so Cooper Kisses. He grabs a fistful of my hair in each hand and yanks my face towards his and then just goes to town chewing on my face. He is a really strong little dude too and you have to use like brute force to get him off your face. I feel bad being so rough with him, so I usually find Josh and mutter out of the corner of my mouth that isn't encompassed by Cooper's mouth to help me please, there's a Cooper on my face. And whenever I see him do this to an unwilling relative they look at me with sheer panic on their face at the amount of drool that's now entering their nostrils and I just say, "Ooohhh you're getting a Cooper Kiss!" Coopy looooooves kisses!

Separation anxiety! Pre-child Paige, or idiot Paige, used to think it would be so sweet that a baby would cry when you left the room and stop crying when you came back, aw so precious. Fast forward to Cooper having to watch me pee. Suddenly, it's not so cute. It's partly my fault, I could just let him cry for a minute like a normal person but I hate listening to him cry, so I take him with me to the bathroom and he lays on the rug and licks my feet while I pee.

Cooper's new favorite things are his feet. He finally realized they are there and he just loves them. The other morning he was trying to use his feet to hold his bottle! Pretty tricky! I tried to get a picture of it but every time I grabbed my camera he would get distracted looking at the camera and he would stop doing it. He just loves to stare at, eat and touch his feet. He's also very fascinated by his socks. Whenever he has socks on, he spends the whole day pulling on them until eventually he yanks them off and puts them in his mouth.

Cooper figured out another new trick that entertains him to no end- opening and closing his fists! He loves to sit and watch himself do it. The other day in the car he had been pretty quiet in the backseat for a while so I peeked in the mirror at him and he was just sitting there watching both of his fists open and close.

Cooper has also grown to love tummy time. He used to hate it but I would make him do it twice a day like the pediatrician told me to and he would just lay there and cry the whole time. Tummy time was traumatic. Now whenever I set him down on his back he flips around to his tummy immediately and then uses his arms to move himself around. He can cover quite a bit of ground for someone that can't crawl yet. We learned that lesson the hard way when Josh left his turkey sandwich and Cooper in the same room.

Cooper has become quite the little scientist. He experiments with everything. He bangs his fists all over his high chair until he finds just the right spot that makes the most noise. He does the same thing with his legs, kicks his legs in circles until he finds something hard to kick on. He loves to lay and kick his toys. He also loves to fling a toy across the room and watch me go and get it for him. I'm trying hard not to have hurt feelings about that one. I know he's just experimenting with cause and effect but on the other hand, it seems like kind of a vindictive thing to do. Mean Coop.

Cooper's laugh gets louder, cuter, and more frequent every month. He laughs at everything now! And it is the most adorable sound ever. He still laughs at getting tickled, teased, sung to, danced with, thrown up and down, but more and more he laughs at the simplest things now. He laughs when I make kiss noises, he laughs when I sing rockabye baby (which isn't funny because I'm usually trying to get him to sleep.) I took him to one of Josh's work meetings and there was another baby there and Cooper would just look at the baby and then laugh his head off. It was so stinking cute. It was a really young baby that wasn't interacting with Cooper at all but Cooper laughed for a good half an hour at that kid. I am really, really going to miss when I can't make my son burst into a fit of laughter just by saying "oh my goodness, sweet potatoes."

Usually in all these pictures Coop looks like a major crank, but the smiling pictures he's moving his arms and legs so he's just a big blur. Someone needs to teach me how to take high speed action shots. Also someone needs to teach me how to draw on a chalkboard. In return I can teach you how to eat a lot of potato chips. It's a rare talent I'd be willing to share.

The start of trouble...

Yep, got it.

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