Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Gutentag Dienstag

Sigh. Even by Tuesday standards this day has already given me a run for my money. My little man who usually sleeps 10-12 hours straight every single night, was up from 4 to 5:30 a.m. last night with intermittent crying the rest of the night. This morning he woke up soaked in so much pee that literally his whole body was drenched from his neck to his feet. We went for a walk to the grocery store and he bawled the whole way there and back. As soon as I got out of the shower and put on clean clothes I picked Cooper up and he barfed down the back of my neck... I'm pretty sure Cooper is teething. Or at least I seriously seriously hope with a desperate fervor that he's teething and hasn't just turned into a demon for no good reason. The drool. The biting. The FUSSINESS. The crying while the spoon touches his gums but still wanting the food so bawling during his whole meal. Each morning I don't see a little tooth poking through I want to cry. Plus my little binkie boy one day decided he hated binkies and now the only thing I can get him to suck/chew on to provide a few moments of relief is his bottle. No teething rings, no fruit feeder with cold fruit, no binkie, no frozen washcloths. Just his bottle, and he is only happy when he has it.

Yikes he has been fussy. And usually he hardly ever cries (like really never) so my cry-tolerance is very very low. Plus I was reading some info on teething and I keep reading utter CRAP that says "lots of babies aren't even bothered by teething." Oh really? Do these babies also fly and have super powers that they use to fight crime? That has to be a lie, and if it's not please don't tell me. 

Anyway I better start my happy list quick before I get too riled up at these magical other babies who love teething...

  • I had an absolutely wonderful 4 day weekend with my husband. Which means I also slept in 4 days in a row. Amazing. I also took a weekend off from my maquiladora tendencies and we sat around being lazy and it was so so nice. One night I thought I heard a knock on the door and we sat there and fought about who had to get up off the couch and go check, after a few minutes we decided if there was someone there, they were most likely gone by now. Then we decided that whoever it was might have left us cookies so we jumped up to go see. No cookies. :( But the possibility was definitely worth getting off the couch for.
  • My cousins were in town! And I got to hear a hilarious story about my little cousins setting up a trip-wire outside my grandparents house over Christmas, forgetting about it, and tripping my poor grandpa who fell flat on his face one day while getting the paper. 
  • I watched one of my favorite movies this weekend and actually got to watch the whole thing! Thanks teething for making my little guy tired enough to go to bed at 8!
Also I feel like my favorite movie list qualifies me a weirdo. Lars and The Real Girl, Waking Ned Divine, Little Miss Sunshine... Luckily I found another like-minded weirdo to share my life with or I would be in deep trouble I think.
  • Coop's first little man shirt-
He got it for Valentine's Day and speaking of...
  • I had a wonderful Valentine's Day even though we didn't have a babysitter to sit our baby. Every year for Valentine's, Josh and I used to go to a nice, romantic restaurant and eat our weight in crab legs and come back home and have chocolate fondue for dessert by candelight. Um... bye bye romantic Valentine's dates and hello hauling your baby to Five Guys while you take turns snarfing your burger while the other person feeds Cooper. 

Ready to mommy judge me? I don't think holidays with babies are really all that super fun honestly. I think holiday things will become a lot more fun when Cooper gets older and we can spend Valentine's decorating sugar cookies or making some Valentine's for daddy but for now we have to sort of take Coop along with the adult holiday plans and Cooper's usually not too crazy about whatever those are. 

Anyway after our romantic hamburger dinner, instead of dessert, we went to the store to get Cooper some better bibs and some bigger pajamas (this kid wearing 9 month clothes at 6 months- I don't really think he's THAT fat, I'm pretty sure everything I buy is just marked wrong.) Ha! Our lives have taken quite the turn these days. We traded in king crab legs for feeding Cooper one handed while trying eat with the other. But whenever I start to miss my old Valentine's days or have a really rotten Tuesday, Cooper laughs or smiles or something else I find completely, overwhelmingly adorable, and I remember that even though my shirt is covered in someone else's vomit- it's totally worth it.

Happy Tuesday! 

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