Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Bueno Martes

Things that made me happy this LONG Tuesday:

I am happy I instituted a new sleep regime for Cooper. It's a little less Sweden and a little more North Korea and so far citizen Cooper has adapted well to the changes! I used to wrap him up and sit with him while I held a binkie in his mouth to get him to sleep, now I just frisbee toss him in his crib and shut the door. Ok it's not quite that abrupt but I just wrap him up, lay him down, say night night, give him a kiss and make a run for it. Sometimes the little buddy fusses for a minute and sometimes he doesn't. I should have done it a while ago but I was worried about interfering with my precious sleep. I love sleep. And my new sleep regime.

The other day my mom came over to hang out with Cooper while I ran some errands. My sheets were in the wash because Cooper had taken his morning nap in my bed and peed all over my sheets.
(Maybe he was grinning as he peed)
Anyway my awesome mom made my bed while I was gone and when I got back she asked me what size my bed was. I told her and asked why, thinking she was just curious, and she said, "I think someone might be getting new sheets for Valentine's day." Ha! I guess my sheets are icky.

My weekend craft FAIL:
It looks like a clock from Ken and Barbie's dream house.

In my defense I saw a mint green clock at Ikea. So this monstrosity is really their fault. They owe me a new clock. Those dirty rotten Swedes...
Maybe one day Pretty Clock.

I lost another pound this week even though I made a giant batch of muddy buddies and didn't go to the gym. I guess I really lucked out. Also I always see people I know when I'm out walking around the grocery store with chocolate and potato chips. They should make decoy carts filled with healthy food that you can just push around and then swap it out for your real food at the check out counter.

The fact that my friend and I spent all last night making sure we sent everyone a baby shower invitation and didn't realize until today that we forgot to send one to the person the shower is for. Oops.

I ate Cafe Rio today.

That Cooper sometimes snuggles me now. And by snuggle I mean holds still for about 45 seconds. Ooohh! He just loves me SO much!

That Cooper is loving games more and more. He is finally excited about the anticipation of getting tickled and teased. He is just fun! I wish I could freeze time and have him be a baby forever (but not a newborn.) Also would I be quite so ptsd about newborns if Cooper hadn't had terrible acid reflux? Maybe other newborns just sleep and make their mothers pancakes. Who knows....

Happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh I loooved when Summer made me pancakes! Too bad those days are over.

    (Psych psych psych! Newborn life was crazy!! She never slept through the night. She still doesn't sleep through the night! Uh huhuhu :'( and she never made me pancakes!! The nerve of some babies...)
