Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Happy Tuesday

This Tuesday has actually gone pretty well so far! Cooper has fought his naps to the death and then after finally succumbing to sleep, they were still super short, but that happens every day. Josh's mom said Josh would never nap when he was little and she would eventually fall asleep in his bed while he ran around the room. I feel like it might be genetic, somewhere between the 18th and 19th chromosome there is an I-hate-napping marker in the Beach DNA. I am in for some seriously long and tiring days in the future. Even though Cooper has been relatively pleasant, aside from rolling himself under the coffee table and getting stuck there (should I get rid of my coffee table?), Tuesday's are still hard for me! I really rely on reinforcements arriving promptly at 5:15 pm. I would absolutely die if Josh traveled for work, or worked really long hours, or both. Lots of people parent by themselves all day and all night long and they are my heroes! I am not that great and have to remind myself to think happy thoughts each Tuesday. Such as...
  • Tonight I am painting our kitchen. This will be the third room (in our rental) that we've painted. I know it's silly to put work into a place you're renting but yet you live there, it's your home technically, so I don't really know where to draw the line. About once a week I get the urge to grab a hammer and do something crazy like install some recess lighting and then I remember that I'm renting and by the time I own anything I'm going to be 85 and I'll be buying a room in a nursing home. And I don't think they let you re-do those either. So essentially I'm screwed. Forever. But I hope the paint job will take the edge off for a little while. 

  • Cooper is growing some hair! About three hairs to be precise. But I see everything through crazy mommy goggles so I'm pretty sure they're the most beautiful three hairs I've ever seen and he should probably be in a shampoo commercial. 

I like to sit and rub his luscious locks between my fingers.

  • I made some strides on my people pleasing front! I asked for my casserole dish back! And it only took me four months to pluck up the courage. And I ended a relationship that had been bothering me for a long time. So I am a happy girl with my favorite baking dish finally wending it's way back to me.
  • My doctor while I was pregnant was sort of insensitive about my weight gain, or more likely he was normal and I was just extra sensitive. One particular appointment he was marveling at how much weight I had gained that month and I started to cry. He looked up from his chart with the terrified-why-is-this-pregnant-woman-crying face that I got a lot and said, "Well you were pretty small when you started out so it's not a huge problem that you're gaining so much weight." My heart leapt for joy at these uncharacteristically kind words and I stopped crying and said, "Ya I guess so." Then he returned to his chart and said, "Ya you'll never see that number on the scale again." Resume tears. So he was nice for all of about 30 seconds but guess what Dr. Lamb??? I saw it last week sucker! Josh asked me if I was going to go back into his office and yell boo-yeah. I think I should. And to top it off, I found one pair of pants that escaped my angry purge a few months back.
  • I am SO excited to hike this summer. So excited. Last year my feet were baby seal pups all summer. The year before that I was in hot, flat Texas. (Josh and I have an ongoing argument about whether it's considered hiking if it's not up a mountain. I say it's not, otherwise it's just a walk.) I want to go every week this summer! So if anyone has better baby carrying ideas than the baby bjorn, I'd happily take your suggestions. Are baby bjorns just for smaller babies or am I wearing it wrong? Last time I put Cooper in it I about fell over dead.
  • I finally got some overnight diapers for Coop and I haven't washed his bedding all week! Wahoo! They are amazing! And as a side note, it's probably nice for Cooper not to have to sleep soaking wet in his own urine. Poor buddy.
  • And finally- this beauty pageant contestant's talent performance. Thank you lady for entertaining me!

Happy Tuesday!


  1. I want to punch your doctor in the face... over and over again. What a MEAN thing to say to anybody, especially a pregnant woman.

    On a side note, we need to hang out. Provo is lonely. ;)

    1. Let's do!! Megan and I want to have a mommy night so we should all put our heads together and plan something fun! And then we should pinch our children before we walk out the door and leave them with their daddies, so they can get a taste of what we deal with. Muah ha ha.

    2. I have an ergobaby carrier and really like it. It goes on the front or the back and is really comfortable, in my opinion, but then again, my baby weighs about 15 pounds. There are also a lot of hiking backpacks out there, but go to the store and try them on before you buy them off ebay or whatever because some of them are WAAAAYY uncomfortable despite what you'd think by looking at them. And the good thing about those is that they last through the toddler years usually.

  2. Take that Dr. Lamb! If you go back, take me with you! And when is mommy night?

    1. Soon! We need to do it before I go out of town in mid-March!
