Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Happy Tuesdays

So Tuesdays are my least favorite days. Josh has a three hour class right after work so it's Coop vs. Mama all day and all night. And somehow Cooper always wins every battle. I am convinced that Cooper wakes up every Tuesday morning determined to get the better of me. Every Tuesday he flips a switch and decides not to nap, never to play by himself, to demand to be held constantly, and to urinate on everything he sees. Maybe it's a slow and subtle revenge for having to eat mashed up green beans and lay on the floor all the time. I predict tonight I will be falling asleep in my clothes and missing several chunks of hair (I should clarify that they will be ripped out by Cooper, not by me. The other day Cooper ripped a big chunk out of the front of my hair and basically gave me bangs. I guess he's pretty much like a sassy black lady, always getting in fights and ripping out my weave...)

Anyway, I am instituting Happy Tuesdays in which I list things that cheer me up.

  • I am 2 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight and 6 pounds away from goal weight. Awesome news when you consider how much I love food. Though a few months ago I did have a bit of an angry meltdown and gave away 3 bags of clothes that I thought would never fit again so now I have nothing to wear. I even threw away all my non-maternity underwear. So... yay for losing weight and boo to rash decisions...
  • I am finally back up to running 30 minutes without my incision hurting and it feels fantastic. I may not be a marathon runner but a quick 3 miles 3 times a week is all I need.
  • This story: When I was having Cooper my aunt in Idaho Falls was keeping her two girls, ages 4 and 7 informed of my progress. When they found out I needed to have a c-section my aunt told her girls that I had to have surgery and they needed to say a prayer for me (which by the way is the most adorable thing ever.) The 4 year old started bawling and asked her mom, "But why can't she just poop him out?!" Hilarious. But it gets even better. Then the 7 year old answered instead and said, "No dummy, you have 3 holes down there." Hahaha that story makes me laugh all the time. I LOVE those girls.

  • This story: When I was pregnant and had extremely swollen feet, we were having a family dinner and my uncle said, "Did somebody tell Paige she can take her moon boots off?" Hahaha I love my funny family.

  • The fact that my sweet husband spent Saturday helping me make crafts. Which by the way did not turn out very well. I was trying to make some cute, fun plates for us and Josh thought I was making little kid plates and said, "Oh those are perfect for Cooper!" I just went along with it and pretended that yes, I made them for little kids. Why do I suck at crafts so much.

So Happy Tuesday everyone! Wish me luck in my battle with this little generalissimo.  

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