Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Confessions- Motherhood Edition

I confess that when I was pregnant I broke our bed. I was just laying in bed reading, not even moving, when I heard some cracking noises, and then bam- the bed broke in half and I went crashing to the ground. The piece of wood that broke was directly underneath me so there was no question that it was my enormous girth that snapped it in two. My self esteem has never recovered.

I confess that after numerous birthing classes when we learned we just needed to think of happy colors and mentally open our birth canal, this is what my childbirth experience ended up looking like-
Seriously I was so pumped and ready to have my baby in a stream while someone played the pan flute. Unfortunately it didn't quite turn out that way.

I confess that I refused to buy new underwear when I was pregnant even when my undies started to look like a string around a pot roast. I have about five pair of underwear that I only wear to the gym, I've had them since high school (gross I know) and I refused to accept that I needed bigger ones. One night I was changing into my work out clothes, I got my underwear on and I saw in the mirror reflection that Josh was doubled up, on the floor, literally crying with silent laughter at the sight of me in those underwear. At that point, I couldn't really tell what they looked like so I asked him what was wrong. It took him a few minutes to stop laughing long enough to answer, "They don't cover the top third or bottom third of your bum. They only cover a tiny strip in the middle." 

I confess that I was totally planning on cloth diapering until I saw this slideshow. And then I was like sorry about that mother earth.... How about I just donate to the Sierra Club or something and we'll call it even. 

I confess that I use motherhood as an excuse for daily Diet Coke consumption. Whenever someone in Relief Society makes a comment that caffeine is really just the tears of Satan, I'm like yeah that's adorable but my baby makes me really sleepy....

I confess that after I spent pregnancy basically planning my run for president of the Le Leche League and cramming statistics about breastfeeding down everyone's throat, the best day of my mother career this far was when our doctor told me I needed to quit nusing because Cooper wasn't gaining weight. We had a special appointment to do a weight check and see if Cooper was gaining enough because breastfeeding had been such a struggle and as I laid him on the scale I told him silently in my head, don't you dare have gained any weight. And he didn't. Thanks buddy! 

Now I'll say ten hail mary's and call it good. 


  1. Paige- Don't think that I am a major creeper, ok well I guess I kinda am since I'm here, I found your blog through Tonyas and I am sitting here laughing out loud, literally! Girl, you are hilarious! The post about Cooper laughing at the man eating pizza at Costco had me laughing out loud and this post is a close second! Maybe because I have a 6 month old and everything your saying about mommyhood feels like I could've written it. I am Steves wife Wendy, I think we met at a bridal shower or something once and we may have commiserated on wearing compression socks. (death and damnation those things) Anyways, I hope you don't mind if I become a reader. If it makes you feel better send me an email to and I will send you an invite to mine; it's fluffy and boring and nowhere near as hilarious though. And if you are creeped out by me, ignore this message and I won't bug ya! Happy Mothering! Cooper is adorable!

    1. Of course I remember you! You are my instant best friend my little compression socks wearer! I probably wasn't super friendly at that shower because the whole time I was fuming at a member of Ali's family who was exactly as far along as I was and about 40 pounds lighter! Ha! And speaking of showers, my husband's family was visiting us (and meeting Cooper) during yours and I'm so sad I missed it! I owe you a baby gift! Yes please please send me an invite to your blog! I will email you! I love to blog stalk too! I'm glad you like mine!

    2. Oh and you should read my pregnancy texts post because that one is the most ridiculous out of all of these embarrassing things.
