Friday, June 21, 2013

Reasons I Hate Small Towns (and you should too)

Aberdeen supposedly has a population of 16,000 people. I think that's probably a lie because I've only come across about six of them. Maybe the rest are mole people? Either way, it is a small town. A small town I have tried very diligently to like for about six weeks. I gave it a good solid effort. And now I'd like to talk about how much I hate it. Would you care to hear why?

  • Because it takes a pain-stakingly, agonizingly LONG time to check out at the grocery store, even though there's usually just one or two people ahead of you. That's adorable that everyone knows everyone else in town and some people really love that, but do they have to play catch up while Cooper is chewing on a packet of taco seasoning that's seconds away from dissolving in his mouth? Every single time I've gone to the store I've sat and listened to the cashier discuss with the person ahead of me what potluck item she's planning on bringing to the "pig roast" while Cooper tries to eat every single one of my groceries that I've yet to pay for. At this point I don't even feel bad when she has to pick up a drool-soaked packet of taco seasoning so she can scan the bar code. You brought that on yourself, lady.

*Yes the pig roast is a real thing. Some guy roasts a pig every year and apparently it is quite the ordeal. People camp out the night before. Old ladies bring pies. And the cashier at the grocery store is thinking of bringing potato salad. I can't wait.

  • I always read the local newspaper of wherever I live. In Salt Lake it was full of actual news. Here, Kurt Cobain's grandpa died and it was on the front page. And Leland didn't even live here. Now that's just kind of pathetic. No offense Leland.

  • Lack of shopping. We got rid of our dresser when we moved, assuming it would be really easy to find another one when we got here. Big mistake. Basically if Wal-mart doesn't sell it, you're not buying it. Every Saturday we cruise the yard sales hoping someone somewhere is selling something that looks remotely like it could store clothing. Our clothes are still in piles on the floor. What's that you say? There's something called Craigslist? Well there's nothing even close to an Aberdeen category. You have to scan through pages of furniture listings to finally see the magic word of Aberdeen just to realize that someone is selling a lava lamp.

  • The fact that people notice when I don't go to the gym for a few days. This is probably the worst part of small-town existence, and it's especially irksome when it's an 85 year old man that's giving me the third degree.

Old man with no body fat: Oh, haven't seen YOU here in a while. And I would know because I've been here every day.
Me: Oh, uh... I've been working out at home? Total lie.
Old man with no body fat: Looks me up and down with a raised eyebrow... Sure you have.

I'd really like to stay home and eat doughnuts without all the judgement.

  • And perhaps the most depressing small-town moment was when I was watching tv (I can feel the old man at the gym judging me right now) and a typical car commercial came on. At the end they advertised the location of the dealership as being "next to the Burger King." My hopes and dreams died as I realized that these were un-ambiguous and clear directions. 

I should clarify that I actually really LOVE the Pacific Northwest, before someone gets the idea to run me over with their Prius. I just really hate small towns. My apologies to Aberdeen, Leland, pig-roast guy, Mr. Cranky at the YMCA, people that love lava lamps, and to all cashiers that recieve products directly from my son's mouth. 


  1. hahaha. I thought I would have a good counterpoint as I hate living in BIG towns. (I live in self-named, "small city, big town" Portland Oregon.) But reading this reminded me of my awful experience in the small towns of Idaho in high school. It would be one thing if small towns harbored people that not only were close knit, but intelligent. I wonder why they only seem to attract the most unchangeable uninformed people, that no intelligent person wants to hang around to deal with. I have to think it would be better in the PNW though as opposed to a small town in Kansas or something. I hate my big city because I can't go on a walk down the street without being screamed at (literally- in the correct sense of the word) by some drugged out hobo "No cops! No cops!" or toothless woman who finishes her harassments with "Sorry, folks! Sorry folks!" This isn't including the "spangers" asking for change so they can hop trains and shoot heroin and raise pit bulls to protect them, and mutter "bitch" when I ignore them because I've already given hundreds of dollars over the past 6 years to these people and I personally know that the state provides programs so you don't HAVE to ask for money unless you need drugs or alcohol. Everybody dressed in Patagonia and Colombia designer eco-crap is thousands of dollars in debt and these people actually have $5 in their pocket and more in drugs. Add to that the social weirdos being weird to be cool and awkward to seem genuine, the hundreds of dogs that live in the skyscraping complex next door that shit all over the small patches of ground that have trees and grass and the bums that wake me up every morning rifling through the dumpsters outside my window... trust me, being in a big town has its drawbacks too.

  2. Hey, even I know where it is when the say "next to the Burger King"... And I was only there for a few days!

  3. girlllll lets talk about a small town my husband got transferd to a town with 800 people if that only thing we have is a strips i wanna cry everyday shopping at least at a walmart is 2 hours away omg we have been here for a year already and i wanna die!!!! NOTHING BUT DIRT AND THIS YEAR THEY HAD 5 SENIORS GRADUATE !!! yupp that my friend is a small town and i hateeee it cant wait to leave!
