Saturday, June 22, 2013

A Visit!

This post is long overdue but for some reason my computer is a real stinker about uploading photos on my blog so I hadn't made the time commitment yet. But two of my favorite ladies came to visit me a couple weeks ago and it deserves to be documented.

We went to Olympia of course. Because Olympia is my favorite place in the world. Insert comments about how it's ok to commute 80 miles a day. Right? Right? I so want to live in Olympia. :( Anyway we toured a historic tugboat which was AMAZING. Probably only for me because I'm in love with tugboats but Alisa and Lauren humored me!

I really like this shirt but it makes me look pregnant. I'm conflicted.

We journeyed onwards to Seattle, saw Pike Place, went up the Space Needle, and ate at Red Mill Burger. And almost got in seventeen different car accidents. 

The next day we hit the Olympic National Park, we saw the tide pools at the beach, Lake Quinualt, Forks, and Port Angeles.

It was foggy at the beach. FOG! It was amazing.

Forks was easily the funniest place I've ever been. Absolutely hilarious. 

This is my impersonation of Bella. I've only seen the first movie and haven't read the books but she seems to be pretty melancholy.

These are pins from places people have traveled from to see Forks. This has to be a joke. Really? People came all the way from Madagascar to see Forks? I bet they were pretty disappointed! Or maybe those barbie dolls made it all worth it.

This was Bella's truck in the movie. I tried to get Lauren to act like she was being crushed under it, I wonder why she didn't want to...

The welcome center in Forks handed out brochures guiding you to Twilight related areas in town. They asked you to please not try and enter Bella's house as it is occupied, to please not enter and disrupt high school classes, and to please not enter the hospital where (Edward's faux-dad?) worked. Apparently some of these Twi-hards are hardcore! But let's be honest, if I could go to Hogwarts I would probably try to sneak into Harry and Ron's dormitory so I guess I shouldn't judge.

From Forks we went to Port Angeles. See look, there's Canada.

At that point my camera died but we had some other good times, some hiking, more beach-combing, and an excellent round of trivia where Lauren was asked what disease killed all three of the Bronte sisters and answered, "the clap!"

Thanks for visiting me!! I'm sorry Cooper woke you up at 6 am! Come again soon!


  1. Too fun!! I always want Alisa to visit me, but she never does because I live too far away from her. You are very very lucky!! Forks does look hilarious. hahaha!!

  2. My premier on the Beach blog! Hurray!! :)
