Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Cooper at the playground

For Memorial Day weekend we went to visit Josh's sister and her family in Pullman. It's nice to be 8 hours away instead of 12. Ha. The state of Washington is too big. It was such a fun weekend with our sweet little nieces and nephews. Josh was in seventh heaven having other children to play video games with. While we were there we took the kids to a playground that was "full of colors" in Grace's words, and snapped some adorable pictures of Cooper's first time on a baby swing. Please ignore the crazy facial expressions I apparently make to Cooper, poor Cooper... And focus on the world's cutest baby!

Josh and I look HOMELESS in these photos. Yikes. I would normally never post ragamuffin pictures of me but Cooper looks SO stinking cute in these. Look at his cute cute face!

Haha seriously kid?

This kid loved the baby swing.

So excited at the top of the slide.

Not so excited at the bottom.

World's cutest babe.