Saturday, May 4, 2013

Trip to Olympia

Today we drove about an hour to Olympia. I'm sort of too embarrassed to tell you why.
Ok I will.
Because we had to go to the bank. Yep, the closest Wells Fargo is an hour away. As is the closest Costco, 
and the closest whatever retail you might need to continue living. Awesome.

Also the stupid Costco here only has fountain Pepsi products. What the heck guys.

It's a good thing that the drive to Olympia is BEAUTIFUL. Seriously, come visit me just so you can drive from Aberdeen to Olympia. I'll be so happy to see you I'll be the best hostess in the whole world. I'll give Martha Stewart a run for her money.

Somewhere I read that she keeps journals of what she cooks for her guests so she never serves them the same thing twice. I'll do that for you too. Day one: peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and frozen pizza...

Also Olympia is beautiful, and Aberdeen is beautiful, and the whole western side of Washington is beautiful. Josh has barred me from driving anywhere because I can't stop looking around long enough to drive in a straight line. I'm a little obssessed.

Anyway, some pictures of Olympia...

The state capitol building

The view from the capitol overlooking the harbor. Harbor or lake? It's hard to tell. There's water everywhere.

I love Olympia.


  1. Our Costco only has Pepsi in their fountain too! I always try to dicker with them, "Can't I just pay for the hotdog and not the hotdog with a pop?" Because Pepsi is sludge! I love that drive too. See, I told you that's a great area! Some of my husband's co-workers drive from Aberdeen to Tacoma every day for work.

    1. Darn it! My 60 cent Diet Coke from Costco was my favorite thing ever! There seems to be a lot of Pepsi prevalence here! No bueno! It is really pretty! But seriously, driving from Aberdeen to Tacoma?! That is crazy! Josh wants to maybe live in Olympia and commute and I think that's nuts!
