Thursday, April 11, 2013

Saying good-bye to Cooper's first home

I wanted to take some pictures of our condo before we started packing and it turned into a huge mess. I didn't really want pictures of the actual condo, but pictures of everything that reminded me of Cooper. When we made our decision to move I started bawling about leaving the place that Cooper came home from the hopsital to, where he cried in the middle of the night, where he tried his first food, where he first learned to roll, where we heard his first laugh... We have truly had some wonderful memories here. I wish I could freeze time. I wish that I could keep Cooper my little tiny baby forever.

We don't co-sleep but Cooper has ended up here quite a few nights anyway. During one illness he would wake up every couple hours and just want his binkie and his head rubbed so Josh and I would let him sleep with us so we could reach him easier. Other nights when he was younger we would have taken an hour or more to try to get him down for the night, then we'd give up and let him sleep in our bed. After fighting sleep for hours he would snuggle up between us, turn his head to look at me, then look at Josh and go right to sleep. Even though I got terrible sleep those nights, I loved waking up with my little guy next to me, even if I woke up because he was kicking me in the back. :)

This is where we had so many meal times. Where Cooper tried his first baby puree and now where he munches on whatever is on mom and dad's plate because clearly that is the better food choice. I'm convinced Cooper would eat anything if he saw Josh and I eat it first. Cooper's had rice with soy sauce, rice with spicy cajun seasoning and tomato paste, noodles with pesto, tomatoes with balsamic dressing... Food is his favorite thing, no question about it.

This is Cooper's favorite thing about our home. He loves staring at this bookcase. His eyes light up when we walk through the door and he sees our bookcase. I've decided that Cooper hates change just as much as I do. He doesn't enjoy going out and seeing new things as much as he enjoys staying home and seeing familiar things.

Another one of Cooper's favorite things. He loves to stare at the microwave. It's where we heat up his food at mealtimes so maybe he associates it with food. But he loves to stare at it even when there's nothing in it either. When we go into the kitchen to make a bottle or to do something else he clenches his fists, trembles with excitement, and breaks into a pant when he sees the microwave.

Cooper's bathroom. He loves to look at these pictures of himself. I think Cooper is his own favorite person.

Cooper absolutely loves the thermostat. Loves it. Every day I hold him up to it and he swats his hand at it with glee. Maybe he loves it because he sees me touch it sometimes. Cooper definitely always wants to touch and play with whatever the adults are playing with.

The first couple months of Cooper's life he would only nap while being held and those were the times when he napped the most. I spent a lot of time on this couch holding my baby as he slept. I would have Josh bring me the remote and some snacks while I was holding the baby. Yes, it was a little ridiculous that Cooper wouldn't nap any other way, but looking back, it was so much more wonderful than it was inconvient. I would give anything for Cooper to let me snuggle him as he slept again! I know that was a beautiful, sweet time with my boy that I will never get back again and I loved every second of it.

This is where I would sit Cooper in his bumbo chair while I attempted to keep him happy long enough to make dinner. Sweet Cooper just loves to be held and oftentimes dinner had to wait until Josh got home and could play with him while I cooked. 

Cooper's toy shelf in his room. We walk past this every time we go to his changing table and he would get so excited to see his toys and especially the picture of himself. We would stop on the way to diaper change and just enjoy his toys for a while. He especially loves the kangaroo and for some reason the pony makes him cry. :)

Our carpet. So many memories here. This is where Cooper first rolled over and I cried like a baby. It was where Cooper took some of his naps when he was small, it is where he lays and drinks his bottle, it is where he plays with his toys and his mom and dad. 
It is where we got to know our boy. 

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly how you feel! Though we only had Elsie in our house for two months before moving it makes me so emotional to sell our house. There are just those things that hold a special place in your heart. I have just been reminding myself that it's the memories that matter not where they happen. Hope the transition isn't too hard for your family. Good luck!
