Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Bananas Over Bananas

Tonight I gave Cooper his first taste of solid food! Yes I know, studies recommend waiting until 6 months to decrease the risk of food allergies, blah blah blah, mommy judge me if you want. Cooper has been watching absolutely everything I eat and moving his mouth like he's chewing and in general just making me feel really guilty about eating in front of him. He even gets super excited about seeing the bag of popcorn that we got for Christmas because somehow he knows it's food? Can't find his feet but somehow knows exactly when mommy and daddy are eating. Also he's becoming less interested in his bottle and wanting to play with it instead, so I thought well I'll just mash up a bite of banana and he won't want it and I can stop feeling guilty about someone giving me the death stare while I eat...

He LOVED it! He ate from his spoon right away, swallowed all his mouthfuls, and kicked his legs, screamed with joy after every swallow. He would even open his mouth when he saw the spoon coming after a couple bites. You're not supposed to give them more than a few tablespoons their first few feedings so we had to take his banana mush away and man was he sad. Poor guy. Josh and I felt so guilty at his pining puppy dog eyes, but we don't want this little guy to get sick. I think he would've eaten the whole banana if we let him.

Clearly this little guy needs more than milk to maintain his girth.

Had I know the little turkey was actually going to eat his food and be so in love with it, I would have started off with a vegetable or rice cereal, or actually had made a decent amount of baby food. Not thrown a banana in a blender on a whim while making cajun chicken with dirty rice (which incidentally was very very good and super healthy.) Oh well- mommy judge away.

These pictures don't really capture the joy that was Cooper. You'll just have to take my word for it.

Take that bananas.

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