Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Five Months

No way do I have a five month old baby! I used to look at his bigger clothes and think there is no way my baby is ever going to be this big! But somehow it happened and FAST. This kid is going to be running around and throwing sippy cups at my head in no time.

This month: (which was really month 4)

Cooper tried solid foods which were a big hit, though he appears more interested in whatever we're eating instead. Come on table food time! He's tried peas, green beans, bananas, applesauce, rice cereal, blueberries, pears, black beans, and sweet potatoes. We've been making our own baby food and it took a little experimenting at first but it's been fun. I love opening up the freezer and seeing bags of brightly colored cubes. Seriously homemade baby food is really pretty.

                                        I just want to put it in an apothecary jar and stare at it!

Cooper's been struggling with only taking 45 minute naps. Ugh 45 minute naps are the worst!! It even bothered me enough to read a parenting book! That's serious business. I read Baby Wise and then baby wised the crap out of him the next few days. But he just doesn't fall back asleep once he wakes up! He just wiggles around and talks to himself until I go get him. I know he can put himself to sleep, he does it all the time but once I hear his happy squeals it's all over. I gave up, I am not baby wise, I am baby dumb. And then one day out of the blue Cooper just started taking longer naps! He's so smart.

Also in sleep news, he is SO wiggly in his sleep! It amazes me the weird positions this boy wakes up in. Sometimes he wakes himself up rolling over in his crib. Last night he woke himself up twice because he kept moving around! I go in there and he's crying with his eyes closed just rolling around like a crazy person. I finally got tired (read: lazy) and put him in bed in between Josh and I so he couldn't squirm around as much. Then he kept kicking me in the back all night, so I moved to the foot of the bed so I could have more room and then in the middle of the night I kept feeling little fingers grabbing at my big toe! Yikes. I hope that this too is a phase, although I can't help but think things are going to get a whole lot worse when he can stand up...

One nap where he rolled onto his tummy. He had his face buried in his sheets and then I said "Cooper" and he lifted his face up and smiled at me. What a turkey.

I am proud to say that I have not taken Cooper to the doctor in the month of January. There are still a few days left but I'm trying to set a new record here! Hopefully he doesn't have a weird colored poop or a hangnail or something serious like that! This literally has been the only month since he's been born that I haven't taken him into the doctor. The nurses there haaate me.

Cooper finally embarrassed me in church. The sweet old lady behind us told me I had such a happy baby and then about ten minutes later I was speed walking through the chapel with a screaming baby right in the middle of the sacrament. Awkward. I think that old lady jinxed us!

Cooper went swimming! He wasn't super into it but he didn't cry at all, even though he got splashed in the face a few times. What a good sport. This was also the first time I've actually felt like a real mom. Something about helping your kid out of a wet swimsuit just signifies motherhood to me. I finally joined the ranks.

That's about it. It hasn't been a super wild month and I am more than fine with that! 

Happy five months ya little chunk!

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