Saturday, December 22, 2012

Four Months

Cooper's four month stats:
15 lbs 2 oz (75th percentile- which is weird since I thought he was morbidly obese)
25 inches (50th percentile)

Essentially he is his mama's baby, short and fat. :)

Cooper is just getting big, plain and simple. He is starting to look less like a baby to me and more like an actual person. He is growing more aware of his teeny tiny world and his personality is starting to make itself known little by little.

Apparently Cooper is a home body. We can have him at home when he is happy and laughing and smiling and shrieking with joy, take him to the store the next minute where he glares at you the whole time, get him back home and he immediately smiles as soon as we bring him inside. And this happens every single time. He doesn't even like to look around when we go places! We put him in the cart and he never takes his eyes off me and he just looks so mad the whole time. No smiles, no laughing, nothing. Sometimes I feel guilty taking him to run errands because I know he'd rather be at home. I think it would be boring to look at the same old stuff all day long, but not to Coop I guess! I've started to plan my errands for during his nap, which is probably the opposite of what most people do, but Cooper sleeps through everything while we're out, people banging into our cart, me transferring his car seat from the car to the store to the cart back to the car... Apparently two hours in Costco makes for an excellent nap.

Cooper loves to have mommy and daddy dance for him. He laughs and laughs and laughs his chubby head off. If someone walked into our house at any given time they would probably see Cooper sitting on the couch and Josh and I doing a dance for him. We know who runs the show around here...

Cooper definitely prefers some toys to others. He even seems to have a favorite blanket. Interestingly it is not one of the many, many, many nice blankets given to him by loving friends and family, it is the one I took home from a used clothing exchange at church. It is ugly and ratty and whenever I show it to Coop he buries his face in it and then sits and licks it all day long. 

This Christmas time has been my favorite since we've been married. It is so fun to have a little one to spoil at Christmas. Today I signed my first ever gift "From Santa." It was awesome. Last Christmas eve we found out little Coop was on his way and one year later we're wrapping up teething rings and baby spoons. It's pretty great and I cannot for the life of me figure out how I got to be so lucky!! I am definitely feeling very blessed this Christmas to have my little happy family. Cooper brings us so much joy. We spend all of our nights surrounding Cooper laughing at all of the cute things he does. 

I love my little man!!

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Remember when we came over when Coop was a newborn and you thought Clara was a giant baby! Well, at 4 months he's passed Clara in weight. (At least at her 4 month weight. Last time I went to the doctor she was up to 16 pounds.) Also, I love how our babies are complete opposites. Clara gets really fussy when she's home all day and LOVES going out, even if it's just out on the porch. I love how quickly they start being their own people. Coop is getting so cute and we NEED a play date!
