Saturday, November 17, 2012

House Update

So our house offer was accepted in one day. It kind of makes me feel like we bought a house on accident because it all happened so fast. We saw it on Friday and had our offer accepted Saturday morning. Yikes. But after losing a couple houses that we liked because they sold in a couple days, we felt we had to move fast. If everything goes according to plan, we will close on it a few days before Christmas. Last Christmas we got a baby and this year we're getting a house. Next year when we get socks it's going to be disappointing. Ha. Anyway enjoy some pictures of our first little home. (Kind of out of order...)

I will be taking door color suggestions because I love colored doors!! I always wanted yellow! But it might look weird with the white...

This will be Coop's room (we will paint it something other than pink) and it has gorgeous BEADBOARD!

Living room

A view of the garage. What? A garage?? We have NEVER had a garage before. I am pretty sure it is going to be wonderful and glorious. No more scraping my windows!

Patio! We are very excited to have outdoor space for once!

And most importantly it has a big backyard for our wiggly active boy! It is also right down the street from the elementary school. I can't wait to walk Cooper home from school and hear all about what he learned that day!


  1. That is so exciting! Congratulations! Houses are fun :) and now you can have a peacefully sleeping baby.

  2. Hi I'm Heather! Please email me when you get a chance, I have a question about your blog! LifesABanquet1(at)
