Monday, October 29, 2012

Two Months

Hello all!

My bald headed, blue eyed boy is two months old now! My how time flies! I took him to the doctor last and he has gained 4 pounds!

Here are some new developments for this month:

Coop started smiling!! He smiles more and more every day and I cannot get enough of it. He even started smiling at me when I go to get him in the morning or from a nap. Nothing makes getting up at 6 am better like a big toothless grin. He smiles at his toys, at people, and a LOT at the tv.

Coop LOVES tv. It is so embarrassing. Josh and I were firm believers that our kids would never watch tv blah blah blah. But Cooper can't get enough! We even heard his first laugh and guess what he was laughing at? The tv of course. He especially likes to watch shows with music.

After spending the first 7 weeks only napping in his mommy's arms, Cooper has learned how to take naps on his own! It makes me so happy I could sing! I keep texting Josh at work that I just had another couple hours to myself and I don't even know where to start on my list of things to do. My house finally got cleaned this week and let me tell you, it was disgusting. He was always a good sleeper at night, put himself to sleep, sleeps like 6-9 hours at a time from around 5 weeks onward but for some reason he was a real stink about taking naps. I am hoping we have turned a nap corner for good!

He is growing all over! He has outgrown his newborn clothes, started growing a little more hair, and his fingernails finally got long enough to trim. We tried to ambush him while he was sleeping but Josh accidentally pinched his skin and he squealed like I've never heard before!

Cooper has also been to church twice! It really helps that it's during nap time and he sleeps through most of it. It will be a lot harder when he gets older!

All in all he is our fast growing, pudgy, silly little guy and I pretty much think he's the greatest. Love you Coop Coop!

It is really hard to get pictures of babies. Just hold still and look at the camera, geez!


  1. I love this update. We need to see you guys soon. Can we plan something? Love you!

    1. Yes we must! You pick the date because you guys are the busy ones! We just clean up poop all day!
