Friday, December 5, 2014

Nursery #2

So Miss Thing's nursery is almost done. Which is good since there is only six very short weeks until she makes her arrival. Ah! How come second pregnancies fly by so fast? It's terrifying! I'm convinced we won't be ready! But then again that could be my crazy nesting overdrive talking.

We also did some work to Cooper's toddler room---

We painted a dresser for him so baby girl could have his changing table.


And we finally got some cuter curtains to cover the world's biggest window.

Baby girl's room: 

I embroidered a couple woodland-y things for her.

Don't you love her rug?! I know I sure do! I got it for a handsome penny too which makes me love it even more.

Her walls might get painted which would make it look a lot nicer. Oh white walls...

I love her little fox mobile and fox sheets.

She needs some more stuff on her shelf but it's pretty tricky to buy cute little things in small towns.

So there it is. At least she has a place to sleep! When we got her room all set up Cooper walked in and took a look around (we used to have some of his toys in this room) and I told him this was going to be baby sister's room, and he walked around and thought about it for a while and then finally said, "Otay." So she has Cooper's blessing to use this room which is good. Speaking of my cute Cooper, every time we ask him where baby sister is he lifts up his shirt and points to his tummy. Haha! He has the part about the baby being in a tummy down but I guess he's a little confused on exactly whose tummy she's in. Poor buddy, I hope he's not all freaked out by all the books we've read and talks we've had and is walking around thinking how he's going to get this baby out of his belly. Alright that's all for now! Time to take one of my last ever daily naps!

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