Sunday, July 28, 2013

Utah Trip

For those of you that don't follow my every move religiously (what's wrong with you by the way?) Cooper and I just got back from a two week trip to Utah. Ah, it was so nice. There was sunshine. And heat. And Cafe Rio. I ate meals by myself. I showered by myself. And Cooper had a constant crowd to show off for.

We went to Lagoon and Cooper had a BLAST. I have never seen him so excited. We rode the merry-go-round about seven times and Cooper would start screaming as soon as it started and wouldn't stop until I pried him off his horsey.

It was challenging to get him to look at an animal. 

It was also challenging to get him to stay on his animal, he wanted to check it out.
He loved the little tidal wave. We rode it in the day.

And at night.

He's like squinting in the wind. So funny.

While we were there we decided to throw an impromptu and fake birthday party for Cooper. His birthday isn't until next month but my family wanted to celebrate while he was here. It was Hello Kitty themed naturally. Because my son has fine taste.

Before Cooper

After Cooper
Opening presents in his underwear.

He loved digging in his chocolate cake. Probably because it resembled dirt.

His favorite part was the chocolate licorice.

So much that he started double fisting it.
And added ice cream.

So delicious he shared some with grandma.

You'll notice there are no pictures of him flying on the airplane. I think it might have been easier for me to try to get a wild alligator to sit still on my lap for two hours. Maybe crocodile dundee should have flown with him instead. Love you Coop, glad you had fun!

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