So I am officially in the last week of my pregnancy (hopefully!) And it's very weird to think that nine loooong months are coming to a close any day now! I didn't do a very good job journaling things along the way (mostly because cooking a human is exhausting) and I wanted to look back at some of the more enjoyable moments in the last few months right now that I'm feeling so antsy to be done!
Looking back...
We found out we were pregnant on Christmas Eve. Super funny timing. I will always think of this boy as our Christmas present that one year. Ha. Also I felt really uncomfortable taking a picture of something I urinated on but there you go, I thought it ought to be documented. Josh and I were very lucky and blessed to have this little baby come into our lives so easily, I have thanked Heavenly Father every day since, and my heart aches for those that struggle with fertility. Though it definitely made me regard every moment of pregnancy as a gift!
The first trimester: Was not nearly as bad as some poor women go through! Though I was definitely nauseous a lot! I didn't tell most people I was pregnant until the end of the first trimester and I remember the pungent lunches my co-workers used to eat every day! I will never forget listening to one of my co-workers eating her lunch and peeling pepperonis off her pizza and throwing them in the trash can one by one. I can still hear those pepperonis hitting the trash can... I also remember being the hungriest person alive 24/7. And all of the pregnancy books I read told you nice things like "you don't really need extra calories right now" and "you shouldn't really gain any weight for 3 months or else you'll be morbidly obese the rest of your pregnancy." Yet I was the hungriest during the first 3 months than the rest of my pregnancy combined! Josh made me a protein shake every day for breakfast because it was the only thing I could eat that would keep me full until at least 9 am. I didn't crave anything too weird, though I mostly just wanted to eat the greasiest, saltiest things I could get my hands on. I remember driving to work one morning wondering if Taco Bell would be open at 7 in the morning. Pretty gross...
The second trimester: Felt the baby kick for the first time. I had the lap top resting on my stomach one night and all of the sudden the lap top kind of jumped and I realized the baby had given it a kick. He still does this if he senses anything is touching his home. I guess he has space issues. We found out we were having a boy! We both were really certain we were so during the ultra sound it wasn't really a surprise at all. We both just looked at each other like ya ya ya, we know we're having a crazy, wild little boy. The name war began! I was already set on Oliver, which Josh initially liked and then decided he didn't. Josh liked Finley, but I was worried that there are going to be too many Finn's running around. And so we would make list after list and vetoed everything the other one had picked. One day we decided on one we both liked and we've been referring to him by name ever since. It feels like the right fit. We are still fighting the middle name war though. This was also the awkward stage where I just looked kind of fat instead of pregnant. I would have to sneak outside and eat a snack during church and someone would always see me and I remember thinking how I wished I looked obviously pregnant so people wouldn't wonder why I was standing in the parking lot eating a granola bar during relief society. I also remember coming home crying from a planning meeting where I was helping throw a church activity and one of the lady's said "we were going to ask so and so to help but we found out that she's pregnant so we wanted to let her rest." And I wanted to scream "hey I'm pregnant too! special treatment please!"
The third trimester: The most uncomfortable by far. I finally gave up exercising at about 7 months because my feet are so swollen and painful. I can't even be on them long enough to go grocery shopping. The baby kicks turned from precious little nudges to kill shots and I started getting medical advice from every stranger that happens to walk by. My mood swings got out of control! I would cry for no reason about 5 times a week. And Josh would just laugh himself silly that I was sobbing because I couldn't reach something. And to my credit I only snapped at 3 strangers during my whole 9 months. Josh thinks I'm crazy but I think those are pretty good numbers! That's only one person per 3 months. Also I would like to say I'm sorry to the man at the gym who walked through the door Josh was holding open for me, the lady that accidentally walked into me at the zoo, and the lady that was in my way at TJ Maxx. My apologies all around. Josh also had to start hiding things from me that made me upset, like my pregnancy book, the scale, and my wedding ring that wouldn't fit. This trimester also included some wonderful baby showers where everyone was so generous and kind, doctor appointments where my slightly insensitive doctor would make jokes about my weight gain, and peeing my pants whenever I sneezed (which apparently was Josh's favorite part of my pregnancy.) If you're really looking for amusement let me tell you about the time I peed my pants on the couch and had to get a pet stain remover to clean it up before Josh got home from his work meeting!
So those are some of our memories of pregnancy, maybe now they've been written down, the baby will decide it's time to come out. ???
I still can't believe those ladies in your ward couldn't tell you were pregnant. You TOTALLY looked cute and pregnant and NOT like you had randomly gained weight from sneaking granola bars during relief society. I hope the little man hurries up and gets here - CB is excited to meet her new buddy!