Friday, February 21, 2014

Seattle Day

Josh had some time off work this weekend because we had plans to go see family. Those plans were quickly thwarted by some snow and my Prius. We decided to spend a day in Seattle, we've both been there with visitors but never with each other so away we went. We really wanted to get a hotel room and stay for the weekend but after our fiasco in Portland we decided to make it a day trip. Turns out the day trip was also difficult in it's own way for my Cooper diva, but probably less difficult than suffering through bedtime in a hotel room would have been.

First we stopped in Tacoma for Krispy Kreme. I always hit up Krispy Kreme when I'm up this way. Cooper was excited at the prospect of doughnuts but not so excited once he tried a bite. He promptly spit it out and ate goldfish crackers instead. Coop doesn't enjoy sugary things like gummy bears or suckers. He does however really enjoy mushrooms from a can. Weird yes?

He has his pointer fingers up and he's waving them around in excitement.

As soon as we got downtown we had to go to Target and buy Cooper a quart of milk so we could keep a steady stream coming all day, baby tylenol for his tooth he's about to pop, and a lunch of turkey, cheese, and berries because he refused to eat any of the lunch I packed for him. Then after we fed him and pumped him full of milk and tylenol our trip became much easier. Then he spent the rest of the day screaming for berries from his stroller every five feet. I'm pretty sure this kid would kill someone if it meant he could have a blueberry.

Then we went to Pike Place. Coop really liked all the bright lights and the people watching. A terrifying homeless man dressed like a clown came and talked to him for a while so next time Cooper wakes up in the middle of the night screaming, I'll know what he's having a nightmare about...

Then we went to the library because for some reason none of my visitors ever wanted to see that with me. The Seattle library is so gorgeous. It's ten stories with ten escalators and that was heaven on Earth for Cooper. This kid LOVES escalators. But unfortunately that leads to giant screaming tantrums when you have to get off the escalator. And public tantrums in a library are quite mortifying. We got separated from Josh because the stroller wouldn't fit up the escalators and I didn't have my cell phone and the library is enormous and Cooper was having a loud escalator fit so I asked the security guard if he could page Josh Beach over the intercom. When Josh got back down to the lobby the security guard looked at me and said, "Oh. I thought he was going to be a child."

Me and my second child

Then we went to the Seattle Aquarium. Cooper really loves the fish tanks at Walmart so he would be really excited about a whole aquarium right? He clearly would have been just as excited at Walmart, and I could have kept my 40 dollars. Seriously? The aquarium was expensive! Cooper's favorite part was the color changing light in the jellyfish display. Of course.

Then we had dinner at Red Mill Burger. I was too busy wolfing down my food to take any pictures. It's recommended by Oprah so every time I eat there I imagine that Oprah and I become that much closer to being friends.

Then we went home because it was 3:30 and we figured that was the only way Coop would be able to get at least one little nap in. We started driving and he was talking to himself in the backseat quite loudly and laughing and trying to grab his toys and then five seconds later we looked back to see this. He literally fell asleep mid-talking. Cutie.

And then we went to Krispy Kreme again on the way home. So I've eaten four doughnuts today. And this time we caught them coming right out of the oven! It's a good thing I don't live by Krispy Kreme.