Christmas with Cooper is the greatest. Playing Santa is officially the highlight of my life, I love it. So here are some pictures of our Christmas morning and our sweet little naked chubster opening his presents.
Cooper just woke up and was bee-lining it straight to the tree.
But he had to stop and take care of some diaper business first.
He went straight to his Elmo tool bench which was a relief because he is scared of Elmo and I was a little worried he wouldn't like it.
He loves his little ball popper.
Back to the tool bench.
He loved his little dino ball popper.
Present opening time.
So exciting.
The biggest hit was the book "Duck and Goose." We rented it from the library a few months ago and he loved it, so I bought it for him and he was soooo excited. We've read it about a billion times already. Yesterday Josh tried to hide it from him for a little while so I called out, "Hey Cooper, do you want dada to read Duck and Goose?!" Josh was thrilled.
And of course his toy broom is awesome because my little guy loves to clean. Some day when he becomes a janitor I will give him this photo of his very first broom.
Shortly after this Cooper had to put his broom down to go eat breakfast. And then he cried all through breakfast.
Happy Holidays!