Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Family Pictures 2013

I don't particularly enjoy having my picture taken. Josh really doesn't enjoy having his picture taken or taking other people's pictures or being around people that are taking pictures or talking about taking pictures... But when Cooper was born we decided to suck it up and hop on the family picture band wagon. It's amazing how one little ball of chub can make you do things you wouldn't normally want to do like listen to Raffi or read Baby Peekaboo twenty times in a row. After last year's pictures, we decided to make it a tradition to have photos done once a year every fall.

These photos were done by LD Photography and I highly recommend our cute photographer. :) She did an amazing job!

Cooper loves being kissed! Just look at his happy face! 
This reminded me of last years kiss photo-
Maybe we should quit it with the kiss photos....

This cute kid has some funny facial expressions. :)

I feel so awkward in photos with just the two of us... Yikes! But our photographer convinced us to do one!

Thanks Lindsey!!